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Toxic Exposure Claims

Toxic Exposure Claims

Attorneys Representing Individuals and Communities in Toxic Exposure Claims

The environmental lawyers at Lieberman Blecher & Sinkevich have a history of representing individuals and communities exposed to toxic substances. Sometimes, people are unknowingly exposed to toxic substances on the land they live or work on, in the air they breathe, or in the water that they drink or bathe in. When someone is exposed to toxic substances, they may become ill, or they may face an increased chance of becoming ill in the future. In addition, the presence of toxic substances on residential or commercial property could reduce the value of that property, leading to financial losses for the property owner. In these circumstances, our experienced team of toxic tort attorneys assist our clients in pursuing responsible parties in order to recover damages for their losses. Our toxic tort litigation team has experience with claims involving exposure to harmful vapors, contaminated water, and others things.

To learn more about our toxic tort litigation, explore our experience with:

  • Contaminated drinking water

    Since the founding of our firm, our toxic tort attorneys have been representing individuals and communities of people that have been exposed to toxic substances in their drinking water. Consuming dirty drinking water is known to make people sick and may increase their risk of developing cancer or other diseases. In fact, some substances frequently found in contaminated water, like benzene, are known human carcinogens. Oftentimes, people are unaware that toxic substances have made it into their water supply. The sources of drinking water contamination may include leaking gasoline stations and discharges of PCE or PERC from dry cleaning establishments or various other sources. Families and communities may drink or bathe in contaminated water for long periods of time before the government or members of the public realize what has happened.

  • Vapor intrusion and exposure to contaminated air

    Vapor intrusion refers to the process by which contamination in the soil or underground waterways beneath a property can seep upward through the earth and enter the inside of a home or business. Contaminants that seep upward usually do so in a gas phase (fumes) that rise toward the surface and can enter buildings through cracks or openings in foundations or slabs. These vapors then mix with the indoor air and may have an adverse impact on those people that occupy or visit the affected building. Vapor intrusion can result from the improper disposal or release of toxic chemicals, including such things as gasoline, oil, solvents and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Exposure to toxic substances in contaminated indoor air can cause illness or lead to an increased risk of illness, including some cancers.

    Our team of toxic tort attorneys have assisted clients exposed to contaminated indoor as a result of vapor intrusion. We have represented individuals believed to have contracted serious illnesses as a result of their exposure and have successfully pursued lawsuits on their behalf to recover compensation for their injuries.

  • Property damage resulting from environmental contamination

    Our attorneys frequently represent clients who are concerned about the impact that toxic substances or environmental pollutants may have on their property. Residential and commercial landowners alike know that maintaining their properties can be costly and stressful in itself, and these problems can only grow when a landowner discovers that their property has been contaminated. Landowners are often worried about how to protect their families, residents, tenants and visitors, as well as their investment. Our attorneys consult regularly with clients about how to keep people safe from contamination and maintain their property values when contamination is discovered on their property.

    Residential and commercial property owners are often surprised when they learn that their property has been impacted by a toxic substance, pollutant or chemical – especially when they are not located in industrial areas. However, then toxic substances and pollutants are released into the environment, they can travel great distances and impact unsuspecting, individuals, businesses and communities. Oftentimes, property owners are unaware that their property has been impacted by a toxic substance, pollutant or chemical until the impact has become significant, requiring costly investigations and remediation.
    This is where our attorneys do some of their best work. Our team of toxic tort litigators are skilled at pursuing responsible parties and forcing them to clean up their environmental contamination and to reimburse our clients for the damages that they have caused. We obtain significant results through negotiation, alternative dispute resolution (including mediation and arbitration), and by pursuing lawsuits through the state and federal courts for property damage.

    Our clients include both homeowners and business owners who are concerned about maintaining the value of their property and ensuring a clean environment for their families, visitors and employees. The attorneys at Lieberman Blecher & Sinkevich excel in helping our clients meet these goals by pursuing those responsible for environmental impacts and by making sure that our clients are fully compensated for the damages imposed upon them.

A Broad Practice of Protecting People Exposed to Toxic Substances

People who learn that they have been drinking dirty water or breathing contaminated air often seek advice from our toxic tort attorneys. Our team have been successful in finding immediate solutions for our clients, including obtaining access to alternative water sources and securing repairs that address imminent threats. Meanwhile, we pursue long-term solutions to protect our clients rights and compensate them for their injuries, which often finds us in the court room opposite some of the largest corporations in the world. Our attorneys are experienced in pursuing personal injury, products liability, property damage, medical monitoring and other related claims against those responsible for releasing toxic substances onto our client’s land or into their air or water supplies.

Our cases take on many forms. We have represented individuals and families that have been exposed to toxic substances from isolated contamination events. Our attorneys have also represented entire communities of people that have been impacted as the result of widespread or regional environmental issues. The lawsuits we file can involve tens and even hundreds of people, depending on the extent and severity of the contamination at issue. Our experienced litigators also pursue class actions, where the affected plaintiffs can number in the thousands.

Regardless of whether a case involves one individual homeowner or one hundred of residents of an impacted community, our goal is to provide every client an exceptional level of service. At Lieberman Blecher & Sinkevich our clients will always find a group of professionals who sensitive to their concerns and invested in remedying the harm they have suffered. Whether a client has been impacted by dirty drinking water or threatened by the intrusion of harmful vapors into their indoor air, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to achieve results that will make our clients whole again.

Our Attorneys

In The Media

  • On the Run: Runner/lawyer DeBord out to protect the environment she loves

    Bucks County Herald, January 4, 2024

    When Brittany DeBord runs along the Delaware River canal towpath or on the trails of Tyler State Park, she doesn’t just appreciate the natural beauty of the...

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  • Gulf Coast Town Center facing foreclosure

    Naples Daily News, September 16, 2015

    Wells Fargo filed a lawsuit Sept. 8 against an affiliate of CBL & Associates, the owners of the decadeold, 1.2 million-square-foot mall in south Fort Myers for a $190.9 million unpaid loan. The center has 94 stores on 204 acres, with such anchors as Super Target, Belk, Best Buy, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Marshalls and Costco...

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  • Town liable for private company's leaking underground tanks, court rules Jul 26, 2017

    CRANFORD -- A couple that owned a businesses in town and became sick from leaking underground tanks owned by an adjacent business can sue the township for damages because the tanks were partially ...

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  • Dark Waters: How a Class Action Catapulted NJ to Forefront of 'Forever Chemicals' Battle

    NJ Law Journal Jan 09, 2020

    As property owners become increasingly aware of PFAS contamination, and as individuals exposed to PFAS learn of the health risks associated with exposure, liability will likely affect entire supply chains.

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